Bill Stanton


Bill Stanton completed his MA in the Department of Anthropology in May 1995. Since that time he has been a professional archaeologist. He has worked for the state agency responsible for the stateĀfs resources from the time he graduate until 2001 when he took a position with the Florida Park Service. The state of Florida has many parks which have significant archaeological components and some, are in fact, based entirely on archaeological resources Lake Jackson Mounds, here in Leon County and Crystal River State Archaeological Park come immediately to mind (but there are many more).

In 2009 he took a position with the U.S. Forest Service and has worked largely in the panhandle of Florida. His thesis was based on faunal analysis and environmental reconstruction of the midden deposits at Silver Springs state park.

One of his most recent projects involved working with Dr. Jack Rink in an experimental archaeology project identifying how ants move sand grains up the soil column. This has an immediate impact on how you view, use and perform OSL dating (optically stimulated luminescence). The paper describing the results has been submitted to the Journal of Archaeological Science.


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