K. Ann Horsburgh

K Ann Horsburgh is a biological anthropologist and the director of the FSU Molecular Anthropology Research Group. She earned her Ph.D. in anthropology at Stanford University (2008), after earning a B.A. in anthropology, B.Sc. in biological sciences, and an M.A. in anthropology (hons) at the University of Auckland, New Zealand. The Molecular Anthropology Research Group uses modern laboratory techniques to address classic anthropological questions, and embraces anthropology’s long tradition of scavenging for insight across other disciplines and thus employs theoretical and methodological approaches from across the social and life sciences. The lab is currently focused on formulating biocultural models of health and disease, in particular on interrogating the role of stress in well-being, using a range of ethnographic methods and laboratory assays of endocrinological biomarkers and epigenetic markings.
K. Ann Horsburgh is recruiting graduate students with interests in the interactions between lived experiences and health, broadly construed. Some background in biology is an advantage, but not essential.